Father Earth Organic Farm is a small family farm in east Boulder County, CO that provides quality, locally grown, organic vegetables, fruits, and herbs. We have both a CSA program and a farm stand.

Health & Wellness Products

Hello and thank you for taking a look at this page. If you'd like to go directly to the Life Force page, you can click on this link: www.mylifeforce.net/20423624

Growing organic produce is now, and has been a passion of mine for 40 or more years. I truly enjoy sharing my produce with people and I enjoy sharing information about the nutritional value of the produce I grow. Although we strive to eat healthier by eating organic foods, we are still lacking in the amount of nutrition needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle on a daily basis.

On this page I want to introduce you to a company called "Life Force International" and share some of my experiences I have had using some of their nutritional products. I fully endorse this company for its high standards in producing some of the best natural and organic nutritional supplements on the market today. I have used several supplements from this company for over 16 years now and my health has improved a lot more than I have ever expected. As of this date, I have NOT had a major sickness in over 25 years. I DID have a bout with West Nile Virus in the fall of 2003 that lasted a week or so. (I will send you a copy of my story if interested) Yes, I know that older people are prone to more and frequent sicknesses than the general population. I just had my first flu shot in over 25 years because "the doctor" said people over 60 should have one. I haven't had the flu in more than 30 years and I do not take ANY pharmaceutical drugs at all. No heart medicine, no blood pressure medicine, no diabetes, thyroid, prostate, digestive, allergy, arthritis, or COPD medicine. I think my health is pretty darn good for someone who just turned 70.

Body Balance is the main nutritional supplement from the company that I use daily. It is made with sea vegetables and Aloe Vera. Most people know about the healing affects of aloe both for internal and external health conditions of the body. More and more people are educating themselves about the nutritional and healing value of seaweeds, or sea vegetables. There is a lot of information on the web about sea vegetables. Many health issues are related to nutritional deficiencies. Try doing a search on "sea vegetables and colds/flu," or "sea vegetables and migraines," or "sea vegetables and ADD/ADHD," or "sea vegetables and cancer." Well, you get the idea. People that have thyroid issues should really research what causes those issues. People in the Japanese culture have little to no thyroid health issues. Medical professionals say it is because these people have a lot of seaweed, or sea vegetables in their diet, and sea vegetables have iodine, which is critical for the maintenance and regulation of the thyroid. As mentioned above, "Body Balance" is made from sea vegetables, 9 different varieties to be exact.

This is just one example of the nutritional value of this product. Without going into hundreds of other health issues, I hope you will take some time to research sea vegetables and whatever health issue you have a concern about, and then take some action. The link to Life Force is www.mylifeforce.net/20423624. Select "Products" and then "Body Balance."

The other products I have had experience with in the past 16 years are: Flexeoplus, a liquid anti-inflammatory with MSM; Osteoprocare, a liquid calcium with glucosamine and chondroitin and several other trace minerals; Colloidal Silver, a liquid mineral that kills bacteria pathogens on contact; The Colon Cleanse program, Taheebo, an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial supplement; and, a new product, Re-balance, Recharge and Recovery, what I call the "brain food" drink.

I would be very honored to share my experience with any of these products. Just send an or give a call at 720.849.3484. Thank you again for viewing this page.

Father Earth Organic Farm
Lafayette, CO 80026
Cell: 720-849-3484

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Father Earth Organic Farm is a small family farm in east Boulder County, Colorado that provides quality, locally grown, organic vegetables, fruits, and herbs. We have both a CSA program and a farm stand. We offer hydroponically grown tomatoes and peppers. All of our produce is non-GMO. Father Earth Organic Farm is a small family farm in east Boulder County, Colorado that provides quality, locally grown, organic vegetables, fruits, and herbs. We have both a CSA program and a farm stand. We offer hydroponically grown tomatoes and peppers. All of our produce is non-GMO. Father Earth Organic Farm is a small family farm in east Boulder County, Colorado that provides quality, locally grown, organic vegetables, fruits, and herbs. We have both a CSA program and a farm stand. We offer hydroponically grown tomatoes and peppers. All of our produce is non-GMO.